Isaiah University Regional Extension Centers (IUREC) are centers set up by the University within a particular city. Students in that region are able to attend LIVE lectures/teachings the same as attending the main campus. Distance Learning students can also visit or attend lectures at one of our Extension Centers for fellowship and growth. We also offer instruction via Phone Conference lines. In addition, students in that region can meet once a month for a live study group and fellowship.
If you have a desire to become an Extension Center, please contact us for an informational kit. Please note that Extension Centers are operated completely by Isaiah University not a local ministry or Pastor. If an Extension Center contract is granted, we will hire and train a Site Director and/or Instructor(s) to manage that center, which may or may not be the pastor or the one who applied for such, and may not be at your physical ministry location, but rather the region. Instructors may be able to teach in person or via a Phone Conference line for lectures.
Requirements: Must be within a State that we can get permission to operate all or a portion of our programs Have a desire and a call to Christian Education Site Directors, Professors & Instructors must have legal Ministry Ordination and a College Degree (Master's or higher preferred) from an accredited U.S. institution Must be willing to receive training and information and abide by the standards and rules set forth by the University Must have a legal place to hold classes that are safe, and in good condition for students (unless you are given a virtual study group conference line from the University) Must have a reputation for excellence and integrity in ministry Must participate in events and graduation conferences held by the University Must be willing to submit to the leadership and remain in complete compliance with the University system Student enrollment must be at 12 or more fully registered students
Extension Centers operate under an annual academic contract which runs from June 1st to May 31st of the following year.
Cannot operate independently of the University, its policies and standards or procedures
Cannot distribute materials, courses, exams or policies that have not been approved by the University for use for the current academic year; this includes using your own information and placing the University's name on it without our approval or consent, or using material that the University used in former years, or making photo copies or utilizing copy written material from another author, pastor or school
Cannot charge or collect any fee from students (centers with non/degree, non registered programs may be exempt from this statement)
Cannot require students from other ministries to attend your local church functions or events or require work, assignments, or exams that are not approved by the University for use for that academic year
We cannot tolerate individuals attempting to run their own private school program or bible college yet hiding under the name of "Isaiah U.")
-Expanded vision for Biblical training; able to offer degrees for your ministers, staff, etc. -Ministry Exposure -Ministry Education for the local church and community -Kingdom impact and advancement -Support from the Main Campus in all areas -Financial compensation for the Instructor, and/or the Ministry
EASY, and Practical
Cost: ZERO, our Extension Centers are part of the Isaiah University educational system. Our instructors will be paid by the hour for operating a GSL program of the University.
Administrative functions are handled through the Main Campus including curriculum support, final record keeping, grading, transcripts, and financial receipts and more. Extension Centers are responsible solely for a General Session Lecture program. All material, dates and events must be approved in advance and placed on the academic calendar for all students. We will work with you to develop your GSL plan for your center.
If you already have a school program, ministry training program, mentorship program, or school of ministry, you do not qualify for an Extension Center, but rather a Global Affiliate School. Once your students finish your program, they can convert their graduation diploma or certificate from you automatically to a Degree from the University.
There are ministries that are "over qualified" or "under qualified" to be Extension Centers with the University because of one (or more) of these items.
1. They offer ministry courses primarily to their own congregation or ministry leadership. 2. They utilize their own curriculum and many programs apart from the University. 3. They are more comfortable setting their own guidelines for what and when classes are offered. 4. They desire the authority over what their students pay or don't pay for tuition or fees. 5. They do not have staff other than themselves to be in compliance with our accrediting body and/or State guidelines. 6. They desire to be the sole teacher for all courses and programs. 7. They have their own vision for their school within their ministry.
For these circumstances the GLOBAL affiliate would serve them best as they can operate independent of the University. In addition, extension schools can take up to a year to set up legally and officially.
Extension Center FINAL Overview:
An Extension Center is a direct extension of Isaiah University. Our Florida School’s are titled, “Isaiah University “Sanford Center” or North Center etc…. However, our Extension Centers in other States generally will have another name, followed by “ an Isaiah University Extension Center” All Centers have an appointed Site Director of that School who operates under the authority of the University. All courses and programs are the same University Wide with minor exceptions.
Centers are responsible for a general session lecture program. The remainder of the student's program is completed online through Distance Learning.
All administration and record keeping is under the authority of the Main Campus/Office of the University.
Any student that cannot attend the live lectures can complete an entire program online through Distance Learning.
Other provisions: Extension Centers in good standing can develop with our team special educational programs or seminars, in addition to our GSL program at limited times. These special programs or seminars can be offered to our students or the general public as a non-degree special program under their own name and ministry. The ministry/school pays a registration fee per course to the University of $75.00, then may charge their students or participants whatever necessary fee they wish for the special program or seminar.
This course is registered with Isaiah University, students receive credit for it and may transfer it in the future towards a degree program. We provide info on the course on the Extension Centers page. The course is registered with Isaiah University and is accredited. We provide a grade report once grades are submitted to us.
An Extension Center can request to offer a "Non Registered NON DEGREE course" which is a course or class that a ministry or instructor offers to their students or ministry independent of Isaiah University. This course is NOT registered with Isaiah University and we have NO jurisdiction over the course or the fee charged for students attending such course. Centers must provide students with a "Statement of Understanding" which lets students know that although you are also an Extension center, this particular course or class is being offered in house or independent of Isaiah University. You cannot elect to NOT Register your independent course and then misinform students that they are taking an accredited course through Isaiah University. The course is non registered, not being used towards a degree, and is not accredited unless it is registered with the University. All special non degree programs must be in a limited nature. If the center offers too many "special programs" regularly, then they will no longer qualify to be an extension center and can apply as a Global Affiliate. Schools may also be designated as division schools, where you can operate as an actual division of our University.